Psa 110:1 (The LORD) said (unto my lord), (sit thou) (at my right hand), until I make thine enemies thy footstool
The etymology of these (enigmatic words) should beckon us to perform an in-depth study of Psa 110:1.
- What is the origin of “the lord “and in what context can this word be used?
- Do the meanings of words in the English language evolve over time?
- If so, is it not a huge leap, for an earthly title to suddenly manifest itself into a Holy Name?
- Where in His inspired Holy Scriptures, do we find Yahweh giving men the authority to replace His name with the title of Lord?
To unlock the profound truths that are hidden within Psalm 110:1, Mark 12:35-37, and Matthew 22:42-46, is to delve into the depths of divine revelations.
2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto Yahweh, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
Click on the study guide link entitled ‘The Lord said to my Lord ‘and embark on a spiritual journey, uncovering the sacredness and significance of Yahweh’s name.
Article List
- The Lord said to my Lord
- Protected: The LORD said unto my Lord
- One God who Saves named Yahweh
- No man might be able to buy or sell
- Call upon the name of Yahweh
- Messiah came forth from the Father
- Yahweh Alone Is Savior
- You must be Born Again to Be Saved
- The Word of Yahweh
- The promised Messiah
- If my people which are called by my name
- Protected: Christ does not sit at the right hand of God
- Choose you this day Whom ye will Serve
- Who Are the Israel of God
- Yahshua is Not a Name
- Genealogy of Jesus Christ
- God and Father of our Lord
- I AM the vine and you are the branches
- The lying pen of the scribes
- Conspiracy against The Messiah
- Covenant replacement theology
- The Second gathering of Israel
- Protected: Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus
- Are we under the Old Covenant Law
- The True Israel of Yahweh
- The New Covenant of Messiah
- He has risen from the dead
- Doctrine of the Trinity Deception
- The greatest gift that will ever be given
- Can I Have The Assurance of Salvation
- One Shall Be Taken And The Other Shall Be Left Behind
- The Abomination of Desolation
- Rightly dividing the Word of Truth
- Understanding the Gospel truth
- Who Is Left Behind at the Rapture
- End Times Prophecy is Revealed
- Once you are saved you are always saved
- Protected: False Preachers in the Church – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
- The name of Yahweh
- Protected: False Teachers In The Church
- Obey them that have the rule over you
- Uncovering the true Word of God
- Confirm the covenant with many
- Protected: Identification of a Christian Cult
- Proof The Trinity Doctrine Is False
- Teachings of Messiah or the doctrines of men
- The identity of the Great Whore
- The Great Whore is not Mystery Babylon
- Mystery Babylon is Revealed
- Does the Fourth Seal reveal the False prophet?
- When He opened the first Seal – the false Messiah?
- The Beast & the fourth World Kingdom
- You shall be hated of all men
- Spiritual Chameleons have a form of Godliness
- The Mystery of he who now restrains
- Mark of the Beast and the Seal of Yahweh
- Protected: Should Christians keep the Sabbath
- Protected: Christians are not required to Tithe
- Protected: Great Deception within Christianity
- The New Covenant Law
- End Time Revelations are Revealed
- One fold and one shepherd
- Women remain silent in the Church
- He as god sits in the temple of god
- The Thousand Year Reign of Messiah
- The Redeemed of The Lord
- The Wrath of Yahweh eternal separation
- False Teachers In The Christian Church
- Sealed With The Holy Spirit
- Pre tribulation Rapture deception
- Great Tribulation is not The Wrath Of God
- A False Doctrine in Christianity – Lying Pen of the Scribes
- Protected: Christian Salvation Bible verse
- Protected: The Knowledge of Salvation
- Word of God and the doctrines of men
- I am found of them that sought me not
- Lord King of Israel and his redeemer
- Who raised Jesus from the dead
- Their work is to watch over your souls
- Who sits on the right hand of God
- Prepare ye the way of the Lord
- Protected: God’s Israel Revealed – part three
- Protected: Abomination Of Desolations
- Protected: Covenant Replacement Theology – part two
- Protected: Mystery Babylon the great
- Protected: The Whore of Mystery Babylon
- Protected: The Great Whore of Mystery Babylon
- Protected: The Revelation of Mystery Babylon
- Protected: The Mystery of Babylon and the Beast
- Protected: The Temple of Yahweh
- Protected: The Coming Gathering of Israel
- 9-11 was an unreal event quite literally